Masa Kobayashi Lab


About our laboratory

  • We are exploring new electron devices to make break-through toward next generation computing such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Our approach is to integrate emerging nanotechnology with new materials into silicon LSI system.
    We are doing device faberication in the clean room and charactering the fabricated devices, as well as theoretical investigation, all by ourselves.
    Our recent research interests are in:
    (1)Steep slope transistor using negative capacitance
    (2)Ultralow power memory technology with non-volatile memory
    (3)Hardware implementation of neural network by using non-volatile memory
    We are closely collaborating with Prof. Hiramoto's laboratory.

Message to candidate students and researchers

Integrated electronics society has been seeing a turning point, where Moore's law and minituarization are not the only technology driver any more. New innovative device technology has been needed to make new value and open up new markets. To do so, researcher and engineer are required to have solid fundamental knowledge and skills, so to create "one" from "zero"
In our laboratory, we are doing education to foster students' creative mind through cutting-edge research activity. Prof. Koabayashi is originally from industry, as well as Prof. Hiramoto. Students can have opportunities to learn how to make industrial impact by their own research activity. We will welcome you having passion to contribute to electronics area in the society. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our group.